Love Story With A Married Women

I am 37 year Old Indian IT employee, I am not married as I had a bad breakup with my ex girl friend. It took me some 3 years to overcome over the girl. I am a good looking guy with ok physique. Last time I got in bed with a woman was my ex girl friend. Around 7 times I had sex with my ex during our 5 year relationship.

Changing the name of the lady, I am writing the Ladies name as Judie.

Judie is 31 year old Married lady who is going thru her divorce process as differences between her Husband and In-laws cropped up out of control due to Judie working. She has been married 2 years ago and around 8 Months ago she filed for divorce. Her parents not supporting her as they are against her wishes of getting divorced, In a way they dis-owned her.

Judie took an 1 BHK apartment some 2 kms distance from office. My self and Judie were working on the same project, soon we became good friends and we shared our personal stories and we both sympathized with each other. I supported Judie by going with her to the court during her divorce hearings. Slowly from being good friends we became best friends. I never had any intentions of getting in bed with her neither she.

Main Topic

The project in which I and Judie worked got successfully delivered, the client was happy with our solution. Our delivery head praised Judie for valuable contribution to the project. There were celebrations in a near by 5 star hotel from office. Ladies who worked in the project wore sarees for the party. Judie in her Saree was looking very beautiful and Sexy.

Judie during the party had way too many drinks and was in a bit inebriated state, my manager told me As I am good friend of Judie to drop her off at her apartment and message him once she reached safely to her flat.

I booked a cab as I also had some 2 Mugs of beer. While holding and walking with Judie in her inebriated state I accidentally touched her private parts. My heart was beating fast and naughty thoughts were running in my mind each time my hand touched her hips and her brea***s. We got into the cab and my erection was full, I was sitting next to her in the cab and around a speed breaker she fell on my lap and her eyes touching my erection. Heart rate increased I lifted her and placed her head on my right shoulder and I put my right hand around her right hip area. We reached her Apartment and some how I took the apartment key from her Hand bag and opened the door of her flat and lifted her and placed her on her Small sofa in her hall. I closed the door and went into her washroom to mastur******* to overcome the horny thoughts about judie.

After some 10 minutes I refreshed myself , went to her kitchen and brought a glass of water and made Judie drink. After which I again lifted her and placed her on her bed.

I then moved to the hall, I locked the house and left to get Judie’s scooter from the hotel and also informed the boss that I dropped of Judie at her house. I got the scooter and placed it in her apartment parking. I thought handing the keys to watchman and leave for my home as It was around 12–50 midnight. But the lust and horn feelingd running in m mind made me change the decision and I entered again Judie’s flat.

I was sitting on the couch and all the lustful thoughts are running in my mind with my heart beating fast, with my erection getting hard and hard, I decided to take advantage of Judie’s toxic condition.

I removed my clothes and I was in my boxers.

I didn’t switch on the light in Judie’s bedroom, I moved near her bed and bent near her face and kissed softly on her lips. My lustful mind was saying after 5 years your kissing a girl. I was admiring her face beauty, heart beating fast.

Slowly I moved down, I removed her Saree pallu, I was staring lustfully at her brea****s. I placed my hands started squeezing them softly. My erection got harder and I decided to the immoral act I lifted her hugged her and removed her blouse and threw it on the bedroom floor, I also removed her saree and threw it on the bedroom floor. I Placed her again on the bed with only bra on the top side and her petticoat below her navel area.

I was lustfully looking at her , with my erection getting out of control I started carassing her bo**s and slowly took pushed her bra aside until her ni**l*s are visible. I started flicking them, kissing them until they became hard and in a lustful moment I bit judie’s ni**l*s, she moaned softly as if she is enjoying my lusty act. My heart pounding fastly I stopped and I stood up and looked if Judie is awake. After confirming she wasn’t I moved next to her started kissing her lips and kept on fondling and playing with her brea****s.

Then I slowly moved my hand into her pantie area, started fingering her pu****e, she was again moaning . I took the courage and removed her petticoat. Now she was on the bed only in her bra and pantie. It made my erection go hard, I spread her legs and pulled aside her pantie and started licking her pu****e, she was moaning again. I switched on the lights in her bedroom, she looked at me and said why did you stop come and sex me. I switched of the lights and I immediately jumped on the bed, I removed her lingerie and inserted my d**k into her pu****e and fu***d her very passionately. After some 2 hours of love making she started rubbing d**k to give me a blow job. Like this we continued till 6–30 PM after which we hugged each other and slept till 2 PM in afternoon.

She woke up first , she covered her self with a tank top and night shorts, she refreshed herself and woke me up with a hot cup of coffee aroma. I saw her and she smiled I kissed her softly on her lips and went to her wash room brushed my teeth and had coffee with each other holding each of our hands.

I asked her, Did she enjoy the love making. She said the next time she want to participate knowingly and not in inebriated state.

I jumped from the chair and immediately left her flat with my clothes on , reached a near by medical shop brought a packet of condoms and contraceptive pills and went back to Judie’s flat.

I throw those things on the dining table, Judie looked at those things and said so fast you are and opened her arms. I ran towards her lifted her took her into her bedroom and again started the lovemaking act.

Another 2 hours of lovemaking we both showered together, went to a hotel near by had food and reached home and Did the love making act again.

Judie said clearly the thing we are doing is just to satisfy our lust and don’t attach the relationship tag , It will make it complicated. I said fine.

After that myself and Judie started our lust affair and many time we had it.

We both are enjoying this affair with no relationship baggage attached.

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